Another Great Day in America

Culture Code Logo 2, 8-11-20During last year’s presidential debates, I was rooting for Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) in her quest to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for the United States Presidency.  Her sharp criticism of The Other Guy’s failings resonated with me..  A gifted attorney and prosecutor, she made Attorney General Bill Barr and Supreme Court Justice Brent Kavanaugh squirm in their seats when they were being vetted by the Senate.  And now that she has been named as former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate in the upcoming election, I am ecstatic about what lies ahead for a country that has been struggling under the leadership of The Other Guy in its efforts to create a more perfect union.  If elected this November, Kamala Harris will become the first Black and South Asian woman to occupy a presidential office.

Kamala HarrisWhile Senator Harris’ multicultural background is appealing to voters like me, I believe her gender will be a more significant draw.  After what happened to Hillary Clinton in 2016, when she was vilified by the Republican Party for using a private server to send emails, it’s going to feel good to see an equally capable woman in the limelight again.  But I predict The Other Guy and the Republican Party are going to have a difficult time disparaging Senator Harris’ record and reputation.  Truth be told, it is shameful that The Other Guy’s go-to play is “finding dirt” on his Democratic opponents anyway.  But I guess that’s the play – “make them focus on the dirt so I won’t look stupid talking about the issues.”

Because this statement is undoubtedly true, my hope is the Biden/Harris ticket will shift the conversation back to the issues.  Joe Biden has already demonstrated his willingness to focus on the issues during his many television interviews, social media posts and virtual town hall meetings.  He has spoken directly to the citizenry about the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, chastising The Other Guy for his failure to retain the services of the Pandemic Taskforce that his predecessor, Barack Obama, left for him, along with an 86-page pandemic playbook.  He has also spoken eloquently about the social unrest sparked more fervently in recent days because of the senseless murder of George Floyd at the hands of a rogue Minneapolis police officer.  Joe Biden shows us daily why he is fit to be the Leader of the Free World on day one of his presidency.

Biden Harris 2020Selecting Kamala Harris as his running mate shows Joe Biden’s intent is to surround himself with morally decent and highly competent leaders.  With this selection, he is also telegraphing to The Other Guy, and The Other Guy’s Little Guy, that their greatest fears are about to come true.  The Democratic Party-controlled House of Representatives impeached The Other Guy, but the Republican Party-controlled Senate acquitted him, refusing to remove him from office.  But in the months leading up to the election, I predict that the Biden/Harris surrogates will reintroduce US voters to the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Report, the firings of James Comey and Andrew McCabe, the Ukraine Shakedown, as well as those Other Guy associates who have either been shamed, indicted, convicted or jailed.  More importantly, the Biden/Harris ticket will show they can walk and chew gum at the same time by offering up practical solutions that allow the USA to build back better.

There are some Other Guy supporters who falsely believe The Other Guy hasn’t been able to achieve any major legislative victories because of Democratic Party obstructionism.  They cite the impeachment hearing before the House and the trial before the Senate as culprits.  And, of course, the “China Virus” is what derailed his “thriving economy.”  The Other Guy has been in office for almost four years, and he spent a majority of his time undoing all the good wrought by the Obama Administration. But like he said a few days ago, when asked if he is troubled by the number of COVID-19 deaths, The Other Guy responded, “It is what it is.”

When I vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris before or on Tuesday, November 3rd, I will know they care because their actions have been speaking louder than their words. And when they win this presidential election, and pave the way for down ballot Democratic Party victories, the US citizenry will once again be able to celebrate another great day, one not seen since Barack Obama’s victories in 2008 and 2012.



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