What is The Culture Code?

By now, many of you are probably wondering why I decided to create a blog titled The Culture Code. The title has a lot to do with the name of my company, Culturally Coded Content. Through this company, I have been able to independently publish three books, Adinkrahene: Fear of a Black Planet, Real Men Raise CHAMPIONS: Unleashing Your Inner COACH and Young Achiever Playbook: Planning to Achieve.

While my company was created primarily to produce written projects that educate, entertain and enlighten, I know who I am, a Black man with strong thoughts and feelings – opinions – about the issues of the day. Consequently, I knew I couldn’t remain silent as I watched dark, evil forces suppress full expressions of the spiritual fruit, i.e., love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I found myself becoming upset at the news media for ignoring the message of peaceful protestors boldly proclaiming, “Black Lives Matter,” preferring to sensationalize the antics of looters and rioters instead. Like many of you, I know members of the news media are being used by these dark, evil forces to spread messages of hate, injustice and chaos. But what they don’t seem to fully comprehend is the lengths these dark, evil forces will go to discredit the Black Lives Matter Movement specifically, the Civil Rights Movement generally. The dark, evil forces seem to have initiated a well-funded and coordinated campaign to cast their agents as the good guys, peaceful protestors as evil.

But we all know how this story ends. When all is said and done, good will always prevail over evil. Good prevails because harboring hatred for one’s neighbor gets old after a while. We humans were created by God the Father, in his image, to be in relationship with each other. He has also gifted us with the ability to be compassionate for earthly brothers and sisters who are being mistreated for just living in the skin they’re in. But the tone that is being set by these dark, evil forces is changing the temperature in the room, causing us to be less compassionate. Instead of creating a more perfect union, some of us want to dredge up the same selfish sentiments from sixty years ago to make America great again.

But why? Why are so many U.S.. citizens allowing the dark, evil forces to lead them down a rabbit hole? I believe it has a lot to do with changing demographics wrought by the browning of America.

Conservative Republicans are seemingly losing their minds because of it, believing they will never win another presidential election due to their apparent disdain for votes from Black Americans and other persons of color. And after voters elected Barack Obama, a Black American man, as the Leader of the Free World for two presidential terms, they thought their fates were sealed. They were, but the darkest, most evil agents in their ranks weren’t about to go down without a fight. They seemingly are in the midst of a last-ditch effort to rig the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government for themselves. By inserting their people in high-ranking government positions, some of them being lifetime appointments, they could at least ensure their futures are a little more hopeful.

Unbeknownst to them, their calculated crimes against humanity are going to be costly.

Right now, we have a generation of children and adolescents who are being victimized by these dark, evil forces. As these young people watch the six o’clock news with, or without, their parents, they listen to the dark, evil forces’ champion talk about “dominating the streets” in an effort to deny U.S. citizens their First Amendment Right to free speech. They listen as the dark, evil forces’ champion says, “It is what it is,” when answering questions about how he feels about the more than 150,000 COVID-19 deaths that have occurred on his watch, not Barack Obama’s, George W. Bush’s, Bill Clinton’s, George H.W. Bush’s, Ronald Reagan’s or Jimmy Carter’s. And they watch as the dark, evil forces’ champion walks around in public spaces without a face covering or regard for his proximity to others. In their minds, if he can behave this way as a 74-year-old Caucasian male, they should be able to do the same.

I still want to entertain, educate and enlighten, so I guess my The Culture Code blog can be seen as a much-needed addition to my portfolio. Just know, my intent is to promote love not hate, justice not injustice, peace not war. We have to be more sensitive to the wrongs that are occurring in our culture, acknowledge how the dark, evil forces want us to fuss and fight rather than kiss and hug. I don’t know about you, but COVID-19 has shown me just how much I took these kisses and hugs for granted. When I am once again able to kiss and hug my loved ones, there’s no doubt I will be more appreciative.

Know this, though. At the end of the day, we are family, a human one, united for all eternity by the Blood of Christ if we have love for God and neighbor in our hearts.


To learn more about J. A. Faulkerson’s books, visit http://www.jafaulkerson.wordpress.com/store.

Another Great Day in America

Culture Code Logo 2, 8-11-20During last year’s presidential debates, I was rooting for Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) in her quest to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for the United States Presidency.  Her sharp criticism of The Other Guy’s failings resonated with me..  A gifted attorney and prosecutor, she made Attorney General Bill Barr and Supreme Court Justice Brent Kavanaugh squirm in their seats when they were being vetted by the Senate.  And now that she has been named as former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate in the upcoming election, I am ecstatic about what lies ahead for a country that has been struggling under the leadership of The Other Guy in its efforts to create a more perfect union.  If elected this November, Kamala Harris will become the first Black and South Asian woman to occupy a presidential office.

Kamala HarrisWhile Senator Harris’ multicultural background is appealing to voters like me, I believe her gender will be a more significant draw.  After what happened to Hillary Clinton in 2016, when she was vilified by the Republican Party for using a private server to send emails, it’s going to feel good to see an equally capable woman in the limelight again.  But I predict The Other Guy and the Republican Party are going to have a difficult time disparaging Senator Harris’ record and reputation.  Truth be told, it is shameful that The Other Guy’s go-to play is “finding dirt” on his Democratic opponents anyway.  But I guess that’s the play – “make them focus on the dirt so I won’t look stupid talking about the issues.”

Because this statement is undoubtedly true, my hope is the Biden/Harris ticket will shift the conversation back to the issues.  Joe Biden has already demonstrated his willingness to focus on the issues during his many television interviews, social media posts and virtual town hall meetings.  He has spoken directly to the citizenry about the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, chastising The Other Guy for his failure to retain the services of the Pandemic Taskforce that his predecessor, Barack Obama, left for him, along with an 86-page pandemic playbook.  He has also spoken eloquently about the social unrest sparked more fervently in recent days because of the senseless murder of George Floyd at the hands of a rogue Minneapolis police officer.  Joe Biden shows us daily why he is fit to be the Leader of the Free World on day one of his presidency.

Biden Harris 2020Selecting Kamala Harris as his running mate shows Joe Biden’s intent is to surround himself with morally decent and highly competent leaders.  With this selection, he is also telegraphing to The Other Guy, and The Other Guy’s Little Guy, that their greatest fears are about to come true.  The Democratic Party-controlled House of Representatives impeached The Other Guy, but the Republican Party-controlled Senate acquitted him, refusing to remove him from office.  But in the months leading up to the election, I predict that the Biden/Harris surrogates will reintroduce US voters to the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Report, the firings of James Comey and Andrew McCabe, the Ukraine Shakedown, as well as those Other Guy associates who have either been shamed, indicted, convicted or jailed.  More importantly, the Biden/Harris ticket will show they can walk and chew gum at the same time by offering up practical solutions that allow the USA to build back better.

There are some Other Guy supporters who falsely believe The Other Guy hasn’t been able to achieve any major legislative victories because of Democratic Party obstructionism.  They cite the impeachment hearing before the House and the trial before the Senate as culprits.  And, of course, the “China Virus” is what derailed his “thriving economy.”  The Other Guy has been in office for almost four years, and he spent a majority of his time undoing all the good wrought by the Obama Administration. But like he said a few days ago, when asked if he is troubled by the number of COVID-19 deaths, The Other Guy responded, “It is what it is.”

When I vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris before or on Tuesday, November 3rd, I will know they care because their actions have been speaking louder than their words. And when they win this presidential election, and pave the way for down ballot Democratic Party victories, the US citizenry will once again be able to celebrate another great day, one not seen since Barack Obama’s victories in 2008 and 2012.



Constituents Before Party


Culture Code Logo 2, 8-11-20
On Friday, August 7, 2020, Congress failed to extend payroll protection payments for thousands of U.S. citizens who are at risk of losing their jobs through no fault of their own. Prior to our appointed Congressional leaders’ failure to lead, many of their employers were receiving weekly payments of $600 just to make ends meet for themselves and their families while weathering the storms wrought by the COVID-19 Global Pandemic.
Under the old plan, the $600 weekly payments equated to $2,400 per month, or $28,800 per year. Because there is so much noise out there, perpetuated by #TheOtherGuy and Republican legislators in both the House and Senate, most people failed to recognize that the $28,800 per year payment exceeds Federal poverty guidelines for a family of two ($16,910), a family of three ($21,300), and a family of four (25,750). So, when Republican legislators proposed $200 during their negotiations, all I could do was scratch my head. They actually wanted to lower the payment to $200 per week, or $800 per month, $9,600 per year. That would have been a pay decrease of $19,200.
But we all knew #TheOtherGuy was going to try and step forward to make us think he is making America great again. He reportedly signed an Executive Order stating that the weekly payroll protection payments should be set at $400. While this amount is an improvement on his own party’s opening salvo, it still only gives at-risk workers annual payments of $19,200, which exceeds the Federal poverty guidelines for a family of two (+ $2,290) but falls well short for a family of three (- $2,100) and a family of four (- $6,550).
But based on the news reports that I’ve seen and read, #TheOtherGuy’s Executive Orders are nothing burgers, resulting from the fact he has no control over how the nation spends its money. This control sits squarely in the hands of Congress. So, what he did is more of a distraction than a solution. Therefore, Congressional leaders need to return to the table to hash out a deal that at least lets at-risk workers know they care. But they won’t. Why? Because Republican legislators have shown from the outset of these negotiations that their loyalty is not with their constituents, it’s with #TheOtherGuy. To me, that’s a heart issue that the Republican Party refuses to acknowledge as a problem, and shows they lack the moral fortitude to address it.
But I acknowledge it. Why allow the wants and needs of one man to supersede the wants and needs of your constituents, which includes Republican, Democratic and Independent voters? We can only hope that more members of the Republican Party acknowledge their erroneous decisions to make a 180 degree turn and do what is right for all of the people. For it will be these moral and decent legislators that allow us to change the tone, enable us to become less selfish and more selfless.
Truth be told, we must applaud the efforts of our Congressional leaders from the Democratic Party. Their staunch support for the continuation of, and, in some instances, increase to, the $600 weekly payments is further evidence they have never stopped fighting for all U.S. citizens. Yes, we U.S. citizens have our differences of opinion, but the thing we have in common is our love for life, liberty and happiness.
Like many of you, I am tired of one man and one party trying to manipulate my thoughts around these common values. As long as they are promulgating hate rather than love, division rather unity, nothing they say or do will ever resonate with me. We have to get out of the business of stepping on our neighbors, or disparaging them even, to advance self interest. In short, we can’t allow one man and one party to become the thermostat that sets a room temperature designed to suppress the expression of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
In the months leading up to Election Day, November 3, 2020, the Republican Party has already shown it will cheat to win, with some of its members either directly or indirectly expressing an openness to accepting foreign assistance from the Russian Federation. And very few of them, if any, said anything when the leader of their party sent Federal troops to Portland, Oregon to trample the First Amendment Rights of peaceful protesters.
What is becoming increasingly apparent, though, is supporters of right-wing extremism are committing crimes under the guise of Black Lives Matter to undermine not just the Black Lives Matter Movement, but the Civil Rights Movement as well. By marching alongside Black Americans they don’t know, and have no empathy for, they give #TheOtherGuy the cover he needs to further criminalize Black bodies. He is also able to bamboozle Independent voters into believing excessive or deadly force is always warranted during encounters with Black Americans.
And this takes us back to where we started, Congress’s failure to extend payroll protection that allows a family of four to live above the Federal poverty level. When we cast our votes in the lead up to Election Day, we have to remember how the Republican Party mistreated U.S. citizens during a global pandemic. They didn’t think it was important enough to give U.S. workers a livable wage. They also displayed a tone deafness that prevented them from saying or doing anything that shows they believe #BlackLivesMatter too.
Those, my friends, are offenses that are not rooted in love, justice and peace.